Rebecca asks: My dog and I are competing in agility trials almost every weekend. Is there anything I can add to his diet to ensure he is getting the nutrients he needs as a competing athlete?
Dogs are dogs..whether they are lounging on the couch, chasing squirrels or competing in a sport, right? The canine athlete is a special breed, competing professionally requires physical stamina
as well as mental acuteness. And, there are steps we can take to ensure they are performing as well as possible!
Tips for feeding the canine athlete:
~ Make sure you are feeding a nutrient dense, highly-digestible diet. I recommend a protein content of 32% plus. As your athlete ages, make sure to add digestive enzymes as nutrient absorption is an essential foundation.
~ Supplement with a high-grade fish oil supplement. This should be a cold-pressed oil that has an EPA:DHA ratio of 180:120. 2000mg per 20lbs during competition season. Half that during the 'off season'.
~ Fresh, filtered water is essential. There are plenty of water bottle options now that filter water, so there's no reason you can't provide this on the road or at competition.
~ On competition days, feed one small, light meal approximately two hours before an event, and feed the second larger meal in the evening after all events are done for the day.
~ The last supplement that is important for your athlete is a carbohydrate containing supplement for right after a performance. Although protein is often the focus of supplementation for athletes, glucose repletion is essential for muscle repair and necessary to reduce fatigue and maintain mental stability. (We really like
Glyco-gen Energy Bones).
While there are many supplements out there for working dogs, these are the essential needs that we like to see addressed for every working dog. Competing with a canine athlete is a rewarding experience that allows you to bond with your companion on a whole new level. Pay them back by ensuring they are getting what they need!