Monday, November 19, 2012

Turkeys, Tennis Balls & Tinctures

Your holistic guide to surviving Thanksgiving with dogs!

Thanksgiving tends to be a holiday filled with family, friends and food. Along with this comes, crazy schedules, additional stress and, sometimes, doggy emergencies. Here's our favorite Holistic tips to help keep your Thanksgiving calm and Fido happy**!

Don't rock the routine
If possible, try to keep your dog's routine. Dogs thrive on structure. Sometimes, making drastic changes in this can lead to stress colitis (diarrhea) and anxious behavior. A walk, even if it's shorter than normal, can lower this stress in both you and your dog! So, don't forget to take Fido for that jaunt around the block and try to keep meals and playtime close to their normal times as well.

Flower Essences for Fido
Flower Essences are fabulous holistic remedies that can help with all sorts of emotional upsets during the holidays (and during daily life as well). Incorporating these essences are easy as you can add them to your pets water daily and they are safe to give with other remedies or prescriptions as well! These are some of our favorites for Thanksgiving:
- Bach Flower Aspen. This flower essence helps provide a sense of security for pets. Great if the pet has been ‘put out’ of their spot or regular routine by staying company.
- Bach Flower Vervain. This flower essence helps animals to calm, and allows them to relax even in stressful environments.
- Bach Flower Rescue Remedy. Every home should have this remedy on hand! This five flower essence is also called the emergency essence. It is PERFECT for any emergency situation. Whether your pet is injured, upset, or panicked this essence will help them pull through it (interesting note: this flower essence is not for calming as most people believe and is best used for distress in animals).

Aromatherapy for Family & Fido
Essential oils can provide everything from a sense of peace and calming, to soothing upset tummies and even killing germs! Here are some of our favorite oils and their uses for the Thanksgiving weekend:
- Peppermint is a great ‘pick me up’. Try it in a diffuser so everyone gets the benefits. For stressed out humans, it can also be used to treat headaches; massage a drop or two onto the temples (follow with a cool rag if needed). For canines with tummy troubles, it can be used to aid digestion! If your pup has gotten into something and has an upset tummy, put 2-3 drops peppermint oil in a teaspoon of olive oil (or coconut oil) and massage onto their tummy (don't worry, it's okay if they ingest some of it through licking)!
- Sweet Orange is great for anxiety. Try diffusing it into the air, or even putting a drop or two on a cotton ball and placing around the car or home. You can also place 10-20 drops of both sweet orange and lavender in 8oz. distilled water and spritz around the room for an instant calm. Great for spraying in or on a crate for a dog that needs to be away from the action for a bit or gets left home more than usual. 
- Cinnamon is also great for promoting happiness. Just smelling this oil can lift sad thoughts. Try 1-2 drops on a cotton ball in areas with lots of traffic. Can also be placed in the car or diffused into a room. This oil mixes very well, try blending with orange oil for a warm, uplifting Thanksgiving scent! Yum!

Herbal Remedies for Fido
Herbal remedies & tinctures can be lifesavers in certain situations and have a wide variety of uses**. These are some of our favorites:
- Slippery Elm Bark is known far and wide for it's use in helping to calm upset GI tracts. Great for diarrhea brought on by stress or other holiday induced tummy troubles.
- Calendula is the perfect herb to have on for everyday boo boos. Whether it's a cut, scrape or burn calendula with help calm and soothe the area (until you can get your pup proper medical care). You can also blend it with distilled water to flush eyes out or clean ears without causing irritation!
- Chamomile Flower is commonly used to help calm stressed animals. It can be given in a tincture form or even made into a fresh tea and served to your dog. This herb does not have the sedative properties of some meds and other herbs which makes it great for helping your dog feel calm without causing them further confusion or stress. A must have in any home!

Remember to Breathe
Holidays can be stressful for everyone. Try to take a moment everyday and breathe, nice deep breaths. Take some time to massage your dog for a few moments and focus on helping your dog to relax. These short, but thoughtful sessions will lower both your heart rates and help ensure you can handle the stress of the days ahead! 

Here's to a happy & calm Thanksgiving Holiday!

Anna Bettina
Certified Training & Nutrition Solutions

(*Remember, before trying something new with your dog, it's best to check with a practitioner or holistic vet in your area to make sure they are safe for your specific dog and his or her needs).

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wordless Woof Wednesday

Briscoe the Bullmastiff & Buddy the Havenese play-bow to each other & initiate a game of puppy zoomies. 

- Anna Bettina
Certified Training & Nutrition Solutions

Thursday, November 1, 2012

There's no such thing as Spoiled

As a professional trainer, I hear this word a lot...spoiled. Generally it's in context to a dog's undesirable behavior.
"She's doing ______. I guess she's just spoiled."
"She's allowed on the furniture. I've spoiled her, huh?"
"She doesn't listen to me, she's totally spoiled!"

Somehow, giving dogs access to furniture, offering plenty of treats and/or toys and allowing them more of your time has been labeled as "spoiled". Usually this happens when the dog doesn't listen to the owner. Well, I've got something important to tell you. 

There's no such thing as a spoiled dog, just a dog who needs a bigger vocabulary and better reinforcement! 

Dogs are incredibly smart and can learn hundreds of cues. Use that to your advantage! Teach your dog a variety of behaviors that are useful for you...teach them to get off furniture when you ask or to leave things on the counters or tables alone and to greet people nicely. Now, here's the most important part - reinforce those behaviors! Dogs need consistent practice with behaviors before they learn them reliably (and sleeping in your bed will not affect that)!

You can't "ruin" a dog by snuggling in bed with them or sharing your salmon dinner. If anything, some of these indulgences can help build a bond with your dog and teach them to pay better attention to you (the person with access to all things awesome). 

So, go ahead, spoil your dog! Buy that new toy or invite your dog up on the couch.  Just be sure to reinforce the cues that are most important you so your dog has a solid vocabulary and listens every time! You'll both be happy with the results!

- Anna Bettina
Certified Training & Nutrition Solutions

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Winter tips for a Happy Healthy Pup

Brrr...It's been cooling off outside and the days are certainly shorter. Winter is on the way, are you and your pup ready? Here are some easy tips that will help you stay Happy & Healthy during the cold, darker days. 

Up the Fish Oil
You're already giving your pup this fabulous supplement because you know about all the great benefits, right? Now is the time to increase that dose, or even double it. Why? Here's a couple things you may not know about fish oil...
During winter months dogs go from indoor dry heat (from your furnace) to cool, crisp winter chills outdoors. They go back and forth between these extremes several times a day. This is hard on the skin and coat, often leading to flaky sin and increased shedding. Increasing omega fatty acids will help soothe irritated skin and help with shedding.
There is also less sun available during winter months. Dogs generally have less access to playtime outdoors combined with shorter walks. Increasing omega fatty acids during the winter months can actually fight the winter blahs and give your pup an increased feeling of well-being. Now, that's something we can all use!

Food Fun
Often during winter months, walks are cut short due to cold or dark and playtime outside is decreased because of the weather. We all know that a tired pup is a happy pup, so how do we help wear them out? Food toys! Feed your pup from a puzzle/interactive toy so that mealtimes take a bit longer and your dog is encouraged to think and work for a meal. 
We love toys like the Nina Ottoson puzzles and the Treatstik

Activity level is generally a bit lower in the colder months. Help keep your pup healthy by stretching them regularly and making sure they keep limber. This will also increase blood flow to less active parts of the body and keep oxygen flowing throughout the body. The best part? You'll get some quiet one-on-one time with your pup! For tips on stretching your dog properly, check out our favorite stretching book: Stretch your dog Healthy.

We hope you stay safe and warm during the winter months. Winter can be boring for many pups, but it certainly lends itself to some great snuggling (our favorite)! Enjoy!

- Anna Bettina
Certified Canine Training & Nutrition

Monday, October 29, 2012

Barkworld = Awesome!

Barkworld is over, and wow, we had a great time! 

We had the pleasure of teaching Doga, friday and saturday morning, to Barkworld attendees and their pooches. Doga is Yoga, with your dog. We had the chance to do some breathing, stretching and simple yoga poses with our dogs. Pudgy, the Bulldog showed up bright and early and loved it! 

There were many great speakers during the day and good times to be had at the HOWL-o-ween bash and Block Pawties at night! It was very fun to meet so many of our social media friends in person and get to party with so many pups! 

We were also giving away a Custom Nutrition Plan for one lucky pooch, the winner will be announced later this week. 

If you were at Barkworld,what was your favorite part?

Monday, August 20, 2012

Becoming your dog's food advocate

We often encourage you to make educated decisions on behalf of your dog when it comes to dog food. But what does that really mean? 

Know your dog. 

Every dog is different and thus, their diets will vary from dog to dog. We encourage pet parents to feed fresh, wholesome, raw foods. But, regardless of what you feed. It's important that you can read (and understand) the ingredient label/guaranteed analysis. And know how that food effects your dog. Does their coat look clean and smell nice, are their eyes bright and breath smell nice? 

If you're still trying to find the food that works best for your dog, keep a journal of your feeding trails and note coat, breath, eyes, and overall behavior on each food. 

You don't need to be an expert to feed your dog like one (after all, that's what people like me do). But, you should have enough information to have full confidence in the food you feed your dog. This is especially important if your veterinarian doesn't agree
Read the labels. Understand ingredients. Know your Dog.

- Anna Bettina

Monday, May 21, 2012

Briscoe the Bullmastiff

There's a new addition at Happy Healthy Pup! Most of you know that I have had Neos for about 14yrs now, I LOVE Neos...but I was open to whatever the universe brought me this time around. And, it so happens that he came in the form of a teeny-tiny Bullmastiff. 

Briscoe the Bullmastiff is 15mos old, pretty under-socialized and all around an anxious kinda guy. He's going to be making the transition to Happy, Healthy, Holistic Pup & if you'd like to follow his progress be sure to follow his blog, or join him on Facebook

Here's to your own Happy Healthy Pup! 

Anna Bettina

Monday, May 7, 2012

How to go Holistic for National Pet Week!

It's National Pet Week! That's right, pet's all across the US get a whole week to be celebrated, and they should! After all, they bring us joy every day of the year, right? So, what better way to celebrate National Pet Week than by going holistic, even if it's just for a week! We've compiled a list of eight things that you can do to become a more holistic pet parent!

- Shop Local. We all know that shopping local helps to support your own neighborhood and can really boost your local economy, but there's one other bonus to shopping local...your dog gets to go too. Dogs look forward to outings and what's more fun than shopping at a dog store! By shopping local, you help to keep pet-friendly businesses in your own neighborhood and in turn, ensure you always have a fun place to go with your dog. So, load them up and take them with next time. And don't forget to spend a few extra minutes letting them look around and stick their nose in everything, that's the fun part after all!

- Buy Organic. Whenever possible, buy the organic toys. Our dogs come into contact with so many more toxins than we do (mostly because of their proximity to the ground and licking paws). There has been a vast number of scares about toxins in toys, these should be fun and safe for your dog! 

- Say Bye, Bye Bugs. Flea & Tick season is ramping up, which means it's time for topicals. This year, try things a little differently...use a holistic or all-natural topical/spray instead of chemicals. Many of these are made with essential oils and not only work, but smell wonderful while doing so! There are loads and loads of effective options out there, and all of them are much safer than applying chemicals directly to your dog's skin. 

- The Raw deal. What we feed our dogs is by far the most important decision we ever make for them. Food effects health, behavior, well-being, and more. So, make the decision this week to move towards a species appropriate diet. Ask your local pet store owner about what types of raw food they carry and bring some home to try. Your dog will be elated...and when that doggy odor, bad breath and big stools all disappear, you will be too!

- De-toxify your Life. Remember how we said that your dog comes into contact with many more toxins than you? Many of these come from our own homes! Toss the chemicals and say hello to green cleaning!  Vinegar is a fabulous all-purpose cleaner and the acetic acid in vinegar kills viruses, germs, bacteria and mold. Add some fresh lemon juice or essential oils (like lavender or tea tree) to help boost cleaning power and add fragrance. Not ready to make your own, check the green cleaning section of your favorite store to see all the options available without harsh chemicals. 

- Walk along together. Many dogs pull on the leash, the world is an exciting place and they want to get If you have a puller, get the pressure off of their neck. The neck is the gateway to the rest of the body and not only can pulling mis-align your dogs spine, it can interrupt energy flow, put pressure of important blood vessels, nerves, and damage the trachea. You already know that we never condone the use of painful "training" prominent veterinarian even believes that prong, choke and shock collars can lead to cancer**. So, pick up a harness next time you're out with your dog. If they tend to pull check out the Sense-ation Harness or the Freedom Harness. 

Spend some quiet time. Our lives are often very hectic, and for those of us who do take quiet time, we tend to do so without our dogs. Include them this week! Sit on the floor with your dog and take deep, slow breaths. Watch how your dog calms and starts to take deep breaths as well. Breathing this way will lower both your resting heart rates which has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety! You can even add a couple drops of a lavender massage lotion to your dog's fur before the session. Such a simple way to promote wellness and spend a few extra minutes with your pup.

Add some feel good. If there's one supplement I think every dog should be on, it's fish oil. The naturally occurring Omega Fatty acids in Fish Oil have many benefits: softer coat, healthier skin, clearer eyes, improved brain function, better digestion, and the list goes on. But my favorite benefit of fish oil is the fact that it promotes a feeling of well-being for your dog. Who doesn't want a little feel good dose every day?

While we know you may not be able to do all of these things this week, we hope this gives you some ideas on things you can change in your life to have a happy, healthy, holistic pup!

- Anna Bettina

** Dr. Peter Dobias is a Holistic Veterinarian who promotes the use of humane training tools  , his article on choke, prong, and shock collars can be read here

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Off-Leash Angst

It’s a beautiful day, the sun is shining and birds are singing. You’re out for a walk with your favorite friend…but out of nowhere, an off-leash dog approaches you and rather quickly. All of a sudden you have that sinking feeling in your stomach…is he friendly? Where is his owner? What do I do??

There are few things that are more frustrating than being approached on a walk by an off-leash dog...for you and for your dog. Allowing your dog to be approached and greeted by an off-leash dog is not only an inappropriate dog-dog greeting, but can be extremely stressful for the leashed dog. So, what do you do?

I recommend that you try to keep the off-leash dog from coming near you or your on-leash dog. Here are some things, in my experience, that both work and don’t work:
- The No, No, Bad Dog. Move your leashed dog behind your body and stand tall in front them, put a hand out towards the oncoming dog and firmly yell, “NO!” or “STOP!” Most dogs have heard these words before and have a context for them. Ensuring that you stand tall in front of your dog and yell firmly might even startle the dog and he’ll choose to go another direction or retreat to his owner. This is the method we use most often, and with great results.

- The Hissing Human. When intimidation doesn’t work. I recommend a small can of spray air (i.e. the Pet Corrector) that you can point at the oncoming dog... Use short, fast blasts of air to startle the on-coming dog; some experts even believe the hissing noise from the spray air is a natural deterrent. I equip all my handlers of reactive dogs with this tool I find it so successful.

- What about pepper spray? Some people will recommend the use of pepper spray or other spray deterrents. I find these a bit dangerous. It is very easy to accidentally spray these the wrong direction (also, you can’t control the wind), or even spray the on-coming dog in such a manner that the dog suffers and could even make you legally responsible for veterinary damages. If you feel that a spray deterrent is a good option, keep a small squirt gun (which shoots a stream) and fill it mostly with water and a teaspoon or so of lemon juice. That should be enough of a deterrent to an on-coming dog without actually causing any significant harm. 

- Tossing your cookies? Some people also recommend that you throw a handful of treats towards the dog and quickly head the other way while the dog searches for them. I know people who have used this method successfully. But, personally, I would be concerned that the dog would come looking for you after all the treats are found and/or remember you if they come across you in the future and approach again in hope of goodies.

Whatever you try, I hope it works well for you and your dog. Here’s to safe, happy walkies in your future, whether you encounter an off-leash dog or not!

- Anna Bettina

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Spring Storm Giveaway!!

It's springtime! The birds are singing...the flowers are blooming...and the thunderstorms are rumbling.

Many dogs struggle with storms as it can be a great source of anxiety. We want to help! We are giving away an awesome goodie bag (worth $65) that's filled with:
- A Thundershirt (you specify the size when you win).
- A bottle of Ark Naturals "Happy Traveler" all-natural calming supplement to help your pup feel at ease.
- 2 all-natural chews to give your pup something to do during the storm (1 bully stick, 1 tendon).

These all-natural products can help calm your pup and provide them a sense of comfort. Even if your pup doesn't struggle with thunderstorms you can use these during vet visits, grooming visits, road trips or any other time you need a happy, calm pup!

To win here's all you have to do:

- Upload a picture to our wall of your dog enjoying Spring!

That's it! You'll be entered to win. You may upload more than one picture if you'd like, but you will not receive more than one entry for picture uploads. Want a better chance of winning? If you have previously attended or if you register to attend any of our ongoing webinars (before April 5th) you will get two additional entries into the giveaway!

So check out our upcoming webinar on the Basics of Canine Nutrition

One winner will be chosen at random on April 5th, 2012, so get to posting and showing us your adorable pup out there enjoying the springtime weather! Good Luck!

Anna Bettina

The Rules
General rules: Open only to U.S. residents, ages 18 and above. No purchase necessary. Only one wall post per person is eligible to be counted. We reserve the right to eliminate any entries that seem to disregard these rules. Contest winners will be picked on midnight EST April 5, 2012 from fans of Happy Healthy Pup on Facebook with picture posts and registrations for Happy Healthy Pup webinars made within the contest start and end date. All federal, state and local laws and regulations apply. Winners are responsible for submitting correct sizing information and street mailing address in order to receive prize. Prizes are nontransferable and may not be redeemed for cash. All decisions are final. We reserves the right to announce entrant’s names and re-use winner's photo(s). We will not sell, trade or give to any other party the e-mail, names and/or addresses gathered in the contest. ONLY the winner should submit mailing addresses, upon request. Winner: chosen by a drawing using Winner’s name will be announced through Twitter and Facebook on April 5, 2012.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Getting your dog to sit instead of jumping to greet!

<a href="">LinkedTube</a>

Wordless Wednesday

We believe that every dog should be trained without pain. This image is from the Never Shock a Puppy CafePress store, if you'd like your own Learning Shouldn't hurt tee, visit the store:

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How much faith do you place in your pet food company?

We put so much faith in those pretty bags with the comforting labels...




We trust these companies to do what's best for our pets, but we often forget that the majority of these pet food companies are big business. They have a bottom line to meet and a product to sell. Nature's Variety is known in most food circles as a higher-quality food and is a pretty substantial player in the pre-packaged raw market. This morning I had a chance to talk candidly with a rep from Nature's Variety. And I had a couple of hard questions to ask him.

You had a venison shortage last year, and are currently in a rabbit shortage. Why are these proteins so hard to get?
"Due to the economy, people in Europe are not eating as much venison & rabbit, which leaves us without product. It's not like we're using rabbit steaks, we're using their leftovers."

Do you still source proteins from China?
It's no secret we source meat from China, it's on our website. It is what it is.

Does this sound like a company who is dedicated to providing your dog with the most wholesome, healthy nutrition available? These are real answers from a real player in the high-end pet food market. And I'm sure that other high-end pet food companies would have similar answers to these questions.

So now I have a question for you...
Are these acceptable answers from a pet food company?

You have the ability to control the quality of food that your dog consumes. Make 2012 the year that you pledge to do more as your dog's advocate.
